My iphone is amazing. I feel that the government should just pass them out to people. For free. Then just watch the world change. There's a flippin app for EVERYTHING. If I want to know my horoscope, the best trigger point for plantar fasciitis, my ESPN dream team, or even a tutorial for my next move on my chess game....I have it available. Incredible. And it's overwhelmingly overwhelming.
The other night I went on my usual walk the dog, bike the boy routine. It starts with an argument over wearing a helmet and ends with inevitable glorious sleep before we are through with the chosen book. I love these routines more than life itself.
Two nights ago in particular, was very extraordinary not just because it's a beautiful pasttime with my child, but because of the epiphone at hand. We (he) were skateboarding in the neighbor's far superior driveway while I caught up on a little of my yoga...under a full moon. My dog kept my son herded out of the street instinctively keeping his daredevil ways in check. The air was cool and comfortable. The lake glistened. Sounds of 5 year old laughter and cheap rollerskate wheels on concrete were the only lovely distractions from my tired Mom nirvana.
.....And I realized something. In the age of information with everything at my fingertips, there was little that TRULY made me feel like I was in heaven compared to this routine evening. Little that kept me in touch with the surroundings and information which move me the most. There's simply no app for that.....