Friday, August 19, 2011

How to make fitness stick

The birth and death of the fitness conviction usually goes a little something like this:
-Set the intention.  Gym everyday!  Lose 20 lbs in a week!
-Day 1.  Early rise, gym, feelin' great.
-Day 2. Same. But a half hour later.
-Day 3.  "I will change up my schedule and go tomorrow."
-Day 4.  Didn't go.
-Day 5.  Eat crap.  "It's okay cause I'm going to get BACK into my gym routine."
-Day 6.  Planning to repeat day 1.  "I did after all, pay my trainer!"

The pattern can grip your life, consume your conscience like no other and be utterly paralyzing.  Why can't I get fit and keep adding wellness routines to my life?  Why can't I wake up in the morning?  Why does this seem to be so easy for everyone else and not me?

Few things make me happier than giving the answer to these questions (Simple acts of love and exploit from my 4 year old are the biggest competition).  The solution to fit woes is totally simple to understand, but challenging to fully embrace.  When most are motivated to change their lifestyle, they immediately associate exercise or good eating routines with something 'extra' in their day.  Possibly even a 'frivolous' way to spend time.  This couldn't be farther from the truth.  When it comes to wellness, all ELSE is frivolous. It's time to categorize exercise and eating right with survival necessities eating/sleeping/shelter/family care.  You have time for that!

How do you plan your daily life i.e work, childcare, home responsibilities, etc?  How do you plan all the things that make your life continue?  Well that's exactly the same manner in which you must schedule your fitness routine.  It is not extra.  It is not a big deal.   It is not something special.  It is not something difficult.  It is not something easy.  It is not something for which you need to be 'mentally and emotionally prepared'.  It does not define you.  IT IS AN AVERAGE, DAILY ROUTINE TO WHICH YOU MUST STICK JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER MEDIAL YET UTTERLY IMPORTANT TASKS IN YOUR DAY. 

Now.....what's your schedule look like?

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