Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer watermelon dressed to impress

Hey everyone!

Hope your dog days of Summer have started off beautifully!  I know my Summer has; and it's no secret that my seasons go round happily due to all YOUR endless hard work.  I wake daily with joy and gratitude that I'm in your life!  Thank you!

Let's celebrate your hard work with an addictive Summer salad.  The combination of flavors in this super easy dish will remind you why you've sprinted down the path toward FRESH FOOD since making the healthy eating conviction.  I'm going to get you hooked, if you will, on watermelon dressed to impress.  Get your bathing suits, pool, and this salad ready for your lazy June afternoon......


You will need:  Huge seedless watermelon, fresh basil, goat cheese, sliced almonds, balsamic, yellow cherry tomatoes.

Scoop big chunks of watermelon into a big bowl.  Put in yellow cherry tomatoes whole and as many as you please.  Rip up just enough basil to fill in the cracks, but not too much to overpower the goat cheese.  Mix in goat cheese to the point that there's a VERY LIGHT layer over the watermelon.  Barely squirt balsamic (the watermelon juice is already a natural dressing and you don't want it to get soupy).  Sprinkle the almonds over it all.  

The sweetness of the watermelon and saltiness of the goat cheese together handles ANY craving.  Is this especially carb or calorie conscious?  No, but it handles our deepest desires for desert or comfort food in the freshest manner. 

Serve with some of your favorite freshly made sun tea and add some of the basil or mint to your ice cold glass.  Also invite me over to test it....

I'm so proud of all of you for your hard work in the gym, with your family, and with all of your endeavors.
Much love to you!

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