Friday, November 25, 2011

Thank you for the chaos count, Thanksgiving 2011

I try to say 'thank you' out loud on a regular basis for even the most minor of life's offerings.  For even the chaos.  For even the hard times so to be sure I will recognize the good times.  But nothing churns our internal reflections of gratitude like the day the Pilgrims 'landed' (or in my life, 'ran, tripped, and skid full throttle') on our veritable 'rock' that is our life, like Thanksgiving.  Here's a few examples of the less than traditional gifts in my life I received over the last few days.  When I start to sweat the small stuff or fuss over that which truly doesn't matter, I will remind myself of these things.....I hope that you can conjure up your own gratitude list. 

1.  My son looked at me while we were painting rocks we'd collected (from neighbors yard because they had the expensive smooth river rocks) with pictures and words of what we were grateful, and he gave me an unsolicited 'I love you, mama.'  He looked me right in the eye and pierced me in the most glorious way possible.

2.  The kitchen was covered in paint.  This at first made me crazy, but then grateful to know my house was alive and kicking with creative energy. 

3.  My son ate a ton of fruit and fish sticks for Thanksgiving.  He barely eats at all, yet manages to be a miniature tank of a child.  I fret over his nutrition endlessly and the fact that he ate so much trumps all other accomplishments in this world right now.

4.  I cooked for my small family and good friend.  Not only was I able to put the recipes together, thank you, but I have a job that made that possible. 

5.  I ate dinner overlooking Lake Mead and beautiful Boulder City.  I live in one of the best towns I've ever come to know. 

6.  I got into a tickle war with my son and Mickey's daughter.  Nothing is more satisfying than prying that pure expression of joy laugh out of a child.  It's addictive.  And I won't hear it forever.

7.  I ate with gusto, totally void of any fear harboring caloric indiscretion.  I'm grateful that I've learned to manage my wellness so that one night of butter and wine is all I will need.  Then back to business. 

8.  I slept like I was dead and woke to my son asking for morning milk. 

9.  Mickey's daughter cried when she had to go back to her other family because she was going to miss me and 'miss doing projects with me.'  I'm the ultimate entertainment director for her and though it can be exhausting I'm grateful to have that position and take it as seriously as my career.

10.  I'm grateful that I'm a technical invalid as it forced my good friend, Rebecca, to show me some stuff on my iphone.  Usually I'm showing people how to manage stuff and it's great to have someone share their goods (brain) with me.

11.  My dog cleaned the floor as I was cooking which saves time.

12.  Black Friday Bootcamp (My turkey day remedy for volcanic calorie eruption) was an utter success.  I'm grateful that I can manifest an outing based on fitness and a beautiful environment complete with eager patrons, kids, and dogs....and bring it to life.  Everyone came with a food hangover, gave it their all, and left feeling great about themselves and their ability to ignore the traditional Black Friday sprints through retailers, and instead did sprints with me.  I'm grateful for their self discipline and open minds. 

13.  I'm fortunate I have a family to contact on Thanksgiving and a beautiful little nuclear family between my humble walls and ceiling.  While we may be, and while I may have come from some of the most dysfunctional groups, they are in all ways......perfectly imperfect.

14.  I'm grateful for the pile of dishes, dirty floor, unanswered emails, bottomless laundry basket, stack of mail (bills) toy hurricane upon which I gaze and try to jedi mind trick it into doing itself.  It means I have a life. 

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