Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wanna run faster? Push my 4 yr old!

Or any child or 50 lbs cargo for that matter.  I suppose I had better get faster if I'm going to declare the title of this blog a truth. 

This morning we ran....I ran.  Luke gazed out the window of his rain protected stroller with Ezekiel bread and cream cheese with his "coffee" (milk) snugly set in his cup holder.  I ran my ass off behind him.  Wet.  Cold.  Thirsty.  My heart rate read a wopping 165 and my pace was utterly demoralizing at a mere 10 min mile even barely climbing. 

My cargo was wiggly.  Luke likes to curl up on the bottom of the stroller throwing the weight totally off and forcing me to actually work the hell out of my upper body and core instead of relax when running without my demanding comrade.  "I'm thirsty.  Mama, stop, what's that plant?  Mama!  Go catch that rabbit!  Hurry up!"  I'm thirsty, too.  If I stop you're walking home.  YOU try to catch that rabbit. 

5 miles took me an hour on the hills.  My calves and hamstrings surrendered.  But let me tell's worth it.  Not just because my son will grow up loving the outdoors and exercise, but because I'm going to get faster.  To my runners:  I suggest you get on board with "pushing 4 year old or that of equal weight training." Here's how:

Fill a wheelbarrow with a ton of stuff to ensure it's off balance.  Run uphill as much as possible then do your best not to let go of your 'child' as your hauling ass down hill with the extra weight.  The benefits of the wheelbarrow include getting used to pushing more than your own boring weight around in your traditional training, and there will be much less maintenance and stopping.  The wheelbarrow won't ask for more to drink even though you're doing all the work, and so the pee stops will surely be nonexistent.  A 4 year old demands just as the arms and shoulders can no longer hold up a stroller to "do another whirly mom!" so when you're toast with the wheelbarrow spin it around really fast far back on the wheels.....just to see if you can. 

1 comment:

  1. I need a running stroller! I'm pushing my son in his graco stroller. I'm afraid if I go too fast or too far, the wheels will come off. Seriously though, Nancy you are WICKED fast already! 1:33 for the LV half OMG! Someday I hope to train with you.
