Saturday, December 24, 2011

Airport awakening.

Damn it I forgot to wear socks. My bare feet tip toed through security and I couldn't wait to get to my hand sanitizer in my......shit I forgot to remove all my liquids from my purse.

I'm flying Xmas weekend to see my family in Denver. I'm a mess as this is the very first Xmas I've been without my son and I look forward to some serious distraction. Not to mention some major catching up on my blog.

I'm currently smack dab in the middle of writing an entry for you explicitly describing the 'internal warfare' we often feel in the face if getting our asses moving and getting to the gym. This feat is especially difficult during a period off utter 'f***ing mess' in ones life. Little did I know the entry would hit home on an atrocious level so much so that I needed to take a breather. And stick to simpler principles of life. Like people watching. In the airport. And germs.

The germs were flowing and I surrendered. I was more concerned with the security officer announcing 'if you're waiting, it's probably because someone in front of you didn't follow directions and left a liquid in their carry-on'. I loved this guy already. Exploitation is totally my style (ask anyone I train).

I panicked remembering my Costco size hand sanitizer, 4 to 5 half empty containers of lotion, liquid B12 that's expired I'm sure, and essential oil muscle rub powerful enough to clear the sinuses of the entire sarcastic security team...,,all in MY purse and 10 feet away from discovery. Then public announcement on my behalf, surely.

Crap. Plastic baggies have been long abandoned from our airport security for which I don't blame them. Just don't bring your crap, seriously. I had but one option: the trash can.

I scrambled on my tip toes from the bottom trenches of my purse to the trash. In went all that had been semi-forgotten yet piling up. In went stuff I don't truly NEED yet have. In went impulse buys and extra shit. In went things that weighed me down.

Out came someone feeling lighter. I flirted with confidence with my prolific security friend instead of dodging his glare. I was at that moment liberated of 'extra'. What an extra awful concept and word 'extra' is. Yes ok it was only purse crap. But it was unnecessary. I thought of all the other 'unnecessary' weight I carry along both physically and metaphysically for which I could find a trash can. Now I'm crazy and want to dump it all. All but that which truly matters. Which we all know of, deeply buried below extra crap in our purse.

This Xmas and new year I solemnly
vow not to take on the extra. I will keep the energy used for that to amplify that which is most important: family, friends......and this blog.

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